일빵빵 스토리가 있는 영어회화_16일차
지하철에서 의식적으로 눈감고 '집중해야지, 집중해야지.' 생각하니까,
전보다는 놓치지 않고 듣는 것 같다.
16. Monica's room / Ross and Monica are there
Rach: Guess what?
Ross: You got a job?
Rach: Are you kidding? I was laughed out of twelve interviews today.
Rach: I got boots on sale, fifteen percent off!
Mon: How did you pay for them?
Rach: Uh, credit card.
Mon: And who pays for that?
Rach: Um..my..father.
Mon: You can't live off your parents your whole life.
Rach: I'm afraid not. That's why I was getting married.
* 동사 뒤에 off가 붙을 때 단어의 의미.
'가깝게 ~ 약간 떨어져서'(live off / take off)
- I live off my elder brother.
- I don't wanna take off my hat.
** 발음
1. CAN'T를 발음할 때는 T를 생략하고 강세를 준다.
- You can't live off your parents.
2. TT가 겹치면 'ㄹ'로 발음한다.
- That's why I was getting married.
*** I'm afraid ~
I'm afraid ~
I'm afraid you are wrong.
I'm afraid you are mistaken.
I'm afraid I stayed too long.
I'm afraid I cannot help you.
I'm afraid I can't agree with you.
--주말에 알바를 안하는 주말이 8개월 만이다.시간이 생긴만큼 그동안 미뤄 왔던 일들을 차근차근 해야지.