
[일상/지하철에서 일빵빵 영어회화] 일빵빵 스토리가 있는 영어회화_2일차

일빵빵 스토리가 있는 영어회화


일빵빵 스토리가 있는 영어회화_2일차


주말에는 알바하러 짧은 거리를 이동하기 때문에, 지하철에서 영어공부할 시간이 그렇게 많이 있지는 않다.


시작하자마자 2일차에 '주말에는 이틀에 한 강을 듣자 !'고 생각을 바꿨다. 나와의 빠른 타협.







02. Central perk / Ross, Joey and Their friends are there.

R: Anyway, I told my parents last night. They seemed to take it pretty well.

M: Oh really?

J: OK Ross, look. You're angry. You're lonely. Can I tell you what the answer is?

J: Strip joint! C'mon, you're single! I want you to join us.

R: I don't wanna be single, okay? I just wanna be married again!

C: And I just wanna be a millionaire!



* 대화에서 자주 말하는 Look.


- Look, you have to think about it.

- Look, Listen, You know what, You know.



** 발음

1. S 다음에 T 발음은 생략해서 발음한다.

- I told my parents last night.


2. TT가 겹치면 'ㄹ'로 발음한다.

- They seemed to take it pretty well.



*** 패턴

I want you to + 동사

- I want you to ~

I want you to call her.

I want you to say something.

I want you to read this book.

I want you to help her.

I want you to wait for him.


- You want me to ~

You want me to call her.

You want me to say something.

You want me to read this book.

You want me to help her.

You want me to wait for him.

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