일빵빵 스토리가 있는 영어회화_22일차
저녁에 돌아오면서는 잘 들었는데, 아침에는 핸드폰을 하느라 잘 못 들었다.. 반성..ㅜ
22. Monica's room / Friends are looking for Rachel's ring in the room
J: Alright, when did you have it on last?
R: I had it this morning, and I know I had it when I was in the kitchen with...
M: You didn't
R: Ohhhhhm don't be mad...Oh, I am sorry...
M: I gave you one job!
R: Oh, but look how straight those noodles are!
M: I just...can't do it.
C: Boys? We're looking for it!
* 'be+~ing'의 의미
'~하고 있는 중이다.','~할 것이다.'
- He is leaving for London, tomorrow.
- I am waiting for him.
** 발음
1. T와 TH가 충돌할 때 앞의 알파벳은 생략해서 발음한다.
- How straight those noodles are!
2. S다음에 T발음은 생략해서 발음한다. CAN'T는 강하게 발음해 준다.
- I just can't do it.
*** I'm looking for ~
I'm looking for ~
I'm looking for something else.
I'm looking for a gas station.
I'm looking for the ladies' room.
I'm looking for a part time job.
I'm looking for a permanent job.
다음주부터는 새로운 사무실에서 일을 시작하는데, 지하철 타는 시간이 반으로 줄어든다.
그만큼 더 집중해야겠다.