
[일상/지하철에서 일빵빵 영어회화] 일빵빵 스토리가 있는 영어회화_9일차

일빵빵 스토리가 있는 영어회화1


일빵빵 스토리가 있는 영어회화_9일차



아침에 일어나는게 고통이다. 화장실 문을 열어두고 잤는데, 핸드워시 통에 서리가...

이것도 지구온난화 영향이라고 한다. 극지방의 한기를 제트 기류가 막아줘야 하는데,

지구온난화로 제트기류가 약해졌다고 한다. 더운 것도, 추운 것도 다 온난화 영향이라니..




09. Ross's room / Rossm Joey and Chandler are putting together Ross' new furniture.


R: This was Carol's favorite beer. She always drank it out of the can. I should have known then.

J: Hey-hey-hey-hey, if you're gonna start with that stuff, we're outta here.

C: Yes, please don't spoil all this fun.

R: I'm just about to forget her.

J: Ross, let me ask you a question. She got the furniture, the stereo, and the good TV. what did you get?

R: You guys.

C: Oh, God.

J: You got screwed.


- stuff

- screw up

- out of: 바깥 / 없는


* Should have p.p의 의미

'~ 했었어야 했는데, 결국 못 했다.'* Could have p.p의 의미'~ 할 수 있었는데 결국 못 했다.'- I should have listened to you- I could have listened to you- I should have called him- I should have met her- I should have work out

** 발음1. R 다음에 T 발음은 생략해서 발음한다.- If you're gonna start with that stuff.

2. TT가 겹치면 'ㄹ'로 발음한다.

- We're outta here.



*** I am (just) about to + 동사

I am just about to ~I am just about to call you.I am just about to say something.I am just about to throw in a towel.I am just about to cross my mind.I am just about to take a taxi.---내일만 버티면 !!! 주말 알바네...?


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