일빵빵 스토리가 있는 영어회화_26일차
아침에 일어나기가 너무 힘들다. 날도 풀리니 운동도 해야겠다.
이제 퇴근 후 도서관이 문 닫는 10시까지는 공부하러 가야겠다.
26. Hospital / Ross and Carol are in the doctor's office
R: Sorry I'm late, I was stuck at work.
S: Hi.
C: Ross, you remember Susan?
R: How could I forget? Hello, Susan, SO, uh, we're just waiting for?
C: Dr. Oberman.
R: Dr. Oberman. Okay. And is he?
R: She.
R: She? well... she is familiar with our situation?
C: Yes, we don't have to worry, she's very supportive.
R: Okay, that's great.
* 말문이 막힐 때 쓰는 표현은?
Well, Hmm, Let's see, You see
- Well, I can't stand this
- Let's see, How about Tuesday?
** 발음
1. COULD 끝의 D는 받침 발음한다.
- How could I forget?
2. T가 단어 중간에 있을 때는 약한 'ㄷ'이나 'ㄹ'로 발음한다.
- We're just waiting for.
*** have to ~, don't have to ~
1. have to ~
You have to change your job.
You have to make plans.
You have to wait for him.
We have to keep our secret.
2. don't have to ~
You don't have to change your job.
You don't have to make plans.
You don't have to wait for him.
We don't have to keep our secret.
주말.. 평온하고 좋네..
그나저나 요즘 책 포스팅을 많이 못한 것 같다..
이번 주말은 읽은 책들 정리해서 포스팅 해야지..